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Updated: Oct 27, 2022

Sofa Time...

With a fair bit of sofa-time on our hands, due to our current isolation status, many of us will be turning our thoughts to making home improvements, or at least planning to do so when the restrictions are lifted and we are once again free to roam!

What once may have seemed a delightful colour of ivory on your lounge walls, may already have started to irritate you! The greasy hand prints from your children or grubby marks that never seem to wipe off, look all the more apparent when you are forced to view them constantly, repeatedly and in every light of day and nights!

Well, help is at hand…whilst not everything or everyone will be available to transform your home immediately, you can certainly plan now to turn your ‘internment’ lodgings into a haven of post-virus positivity!!!!

Classic Blue

Plan for ‘Liberation Day’ by turning to 2020’2 Pantone colour of the year…Classic Blue 19-4054. Okay, so 2020 hasn’t been the best so far, but they really have it right with this colour! Blue is such a versatile colour; it can be dramatic, calming, stormy and down right diva-ish! Classic Blue is a bold and vibrant Royal blue! Create dramatic hallways, sumptuous lounges and funky kitchen with this tone! The beauty of this colour is that there are so many fabrics and wallpapers out there that can be used to complement and accent your scheme. We can rarely look at a pattern book these days without getting misty eyed over the blue sections! We frankly have more of these samples than any other colour

If you don’t want to commit to a complete ‘blue’ room, then you need only look to the likes of Romo and Black Edition who have shot bronze through their navy fabrics or affected a metallic gold or silver sheen onto their wallpapers. Or for a more paired back look, Tradescant and GP & J Baker offer some simply beautiful nature inspired printed linens with a wondeful timeless appeal. Throw a pop of pink, ochre or jade into the equation, with contemporary cushions or a fabulous lampshade, and we really have left behind thoughts of our confinement!!

We are offering telephone consultations whilst we ride out the pandemic, so we can at least offer a little diversion from the ‘virus-talk’ and work on designing a home you will want to come back to…Contact us on 01200 446386 or via email at for more details and to book your telephone consultation.

Keep safe and plan for a stunning future xx




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